Monday, October 20, 2008

Running Towards The Fray

Does anyone remember when The Fray got really big like two or three years ago? I think it was impossible for me to go into a diner, drive in my car, step into a Starbucks, walk out on the street, enjoy a Rockies game without hearing that familiar beat and vocals to "How to Save a Life." NO ONE could get away from the Fray. They were everywhere. 

Over the last few days I have been thinking about the fray... not the band, but what it means to be in the fray of life. The messiness of life that will always be there. As I get older I realize that life can throw some curveballs at you. Things you thought were going to happen, don't. Challenges that your thought would never come your way, do. And sometimes you are left crying our to God for guidance but left wondering what to do. Sometimes others are telling you these same thoughts from their lives and you try to offer guidance. The uncertainties and messiness of life is the fray. 

I was reading a book at a Starbucks the other day and it used the phrase, "We must start running towards the fray." I was a little taken back because for the last few years I have been trying to run away from the Fray. This author was speaking specifically to followers of Jesus Christ. As we minister in life, we need to run towards the fray. We need to get into the messiness of people's lives and show them God for who he really is: the God who saves, loves, redeems, transforms, is all-powerful, is all knowing, gives freedom, and is the great God of the universe. We must run towards the fray because too many people run away from it. Too many people are scared of getting involved in people's lives. We need more people like David, who was not afraid to run towards Goliath with power that comes from God Almighty. 

Part of the reason I don't run towards the fray of life is that I don't like letting go of the things that I am attached to. I don't want to risk losing my security and worth. I like the relationships that I have, I like the TV shows that I watch, I like my paycheck, I like living the way that I like to live... I am attached to things and I need to let go of them so God can use me in more powerful ways. I was reading another book when I realized that this life is not all about me--it is about allowing the living God to be glorified through me. So often I get caught up in the things that I am doing and am attached too that I forget God has a bigger plan for me. God wants all of us to take the risk of running towards the fray of our lives with his power and let him show up. Because when he does amazing things will happen. 

I don't know specifically what it means for you to run towards the fray. I don't know what you are attached to. Maybe it has to deal with a relationship, or a vision for your life, or how you use your resources. Whatever it is, may you run towards the fray of life, get in the messiness and let God be God. Un-attach yourself for the things of this life and attach yourself to the God of the universe who can carry you through any issue that comes about in your life. Change the world by being used of God. Run towards the fray.

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