Friday, November 21, 2008

Modern Day Pirates?

Okay, so I know I have already made a post today but I feel that this subject must be raised if only briefly. Has anyone else heard about these ridiculous "Modern Day Pirates" that are making news off the Somalian coast? Apparently they have been stopping large oil tankers and holding them for ransom, even up to one million dollars!

I don't know about you but I when I hear about pirates I cannot shake images of Jack Sparrow and Captain James Hook from my mind. Is the Black Pearl sailing about in the Indian ocean stopping much larger ships with Exxon/Mobil labels on them? Which begs the question, where is Peter Pan and the Lost Boys when you need them? 

Anyway... check it out on any news website and find out the latest news. In my view, if whatever these "pirates" are doing keeps gas under $2 a gallon they can keep right on doing it. ARRRRRRR!!!!!!

Check this link:

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