Thursday, January 8, 2009

Death by Love.

The latest book I have been delving into is Mark Driscoll's Death By Love. Let me commend this to you as an awesome read... go to the Westminster Online bookstore and BUY IT! It is one of the most practical explanations I have ever read about the atonement. Reading through a few chapters I even wanted to accept Jesus again for the first time. Driscoll has the gift translating deep theological truths into solid life applications....

This book will certainly convict you of any sin you have in your life and make you think deeply about why and how Jesus died. Jesus took the wrath of God on himself and became our substitute. He conquered sin, death and Satan with a mighty blow and stands between us and them as our warrior savior. No matter how much anyone wrongs us, we must remember that Jesus is our New Covenant Sacrifice and satisfied the penalty for all our sins. If someone hurts us, they may deserve punishment... but Jesus already took the punishment and died a horrible death so we do not have to. By doing so he took away our sins and made us clean! Jesus is our Savior!

Too many times, whether we have a long past or not... we forget that we need Jesus. So many of us, including myself, create functional saviors in our lives... whether at that is TV, alcohol, friends, drugs, sex, money, work, etc. We allow things to come into our lives that will make us feel better, things that we think will "save us" from the problems that are in our lives. But the only true answer to those problems is Jesus. Let us get out of his way, stop trying to be the hero and let the one who can do it all take over. Look to the cross of Jesus. 


Izzy Daniels said...

yo bob...its wayne

Cassie T. said...

This book IS amazing. He has a way of teaching that is so hard-hitting and raw. Go Mark!

Adam Fix said...

Great recommend Bob. I am a fan of most things Driscoll and I think this book helps to cement him not only as a prominent voice, but a substantial thinker and a rising theologian. Keep recommending good books.