Thursday, September 3, 2009

HUMILITY (Part One)- A grace filled return to the blogosphere

As my friends have been quick to point out... I have not posted a blog since January 22... or this year. The previous blog on my site was posted by a gentlemen who shall remain nameless, but brilliant. And so, after a long hiatus from the blogging world (let's just say I was running a life-marathon and then resting from it), in the words of the great poet Michael Scott, "I'll be baaaaaaacccckkkkk..... AND I am baaaaaaccccckkkkkk."

With this return, I can think of no better subject to write on than humility. Let me begin by saying that I am NOT a humble man. I am proud. I think I am the greatest thing on the face of the earth. The world does indeed revolve around me. Unfortunately, like most people I was not totally aware of this area of sin. But then I was blind sidedly convicted as I read the opening chapter of CJ Mahaney's book "Humility." Here is his definition of humility: Humility is honestly assessing ourselves in light of God's holiness and our sinfulness. Now that is quote to meditate on. As I sat there enjoying my pepperoni pizza from Il Vicino my eating started to slow as I gazed off in the distance. The question on my heart was "Am I humble?" And when I was honest with myself I had to answer: No, I am not. I am sinful and I should fall to my knees as I consider the holiness of my God.

Some of us rarely think about the topic of humility. Why would we? In a world of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Blogs, and Unlimited Cell Phone plans we have all created our own worlds where we play God. There is even an application for the iPhone called "Pocket God" where you can create your own civilization and rule over it. When you are God why do you need to be humble? But the truth is we are not God. And we must assess ourselves in view of the holiness of God. Each and every one of us is sinful and depraved before God. Only by his grace have we been saved through faith. For that we should be eternally grateful. As I look at the holiness of God in comparison with how sinful I am... I have no course of action other than to be eternally grateful.

This has huge implications for our homes, work, our family, our church, and our career. If we are not humble then relational discord will no doubt break out in the previous arenas. My hope is that, as each of us lives our lives, we would be humble. After all, Christ gave us the perfect example of humility as Paul wrote in Philippians chapter two. Humility shows other people that Christ has made a difference in our lives because we were given a gift we did not deserve. We must throw off pride and focus on the grace we have been given through the cross of Christ!

The bottom line is this: We must be more humble! When that happens lives will be changed and legacies will be built.

1 comment:

Cassie T. said...

Welcome back, Bob!
PS, I think I've read nearly everything on your reading list...I feel smart.