Thursday, October 14, 2010


One of my favorite authors in American literature is John Steinbeck, of Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men fame. Unbeknownst to me, Steinbeck was born and grew up in Salinas, CA and spent a considerable amount of time in Monterey, CA (On the northern coast of California). I always appreciated Steinbeck for his realism in depiction of American life. He also lived and wrote during the Great Depression... funny that he should resonate with some of us as we have lived through, what is presumptuously being called, "The Great Recession of 2008-2009."

I mention all this because, in the midst of my continuing California adventure, I engaged in my weekly exploratory adventures (A goal I set for myself while I am here). I heard numerous times about the beauty of Monterey and as I drove in on Hwy 1 this morning I understood why. Beautifully set on the coast of California, Monterey is a pictueresque beach town. The Santa Lucia Mountain Range serves as a background for this beautiful city on the beach. The climate is very temperate year round, not too hot or cold. The town is alive with a busy tourist industry and lots to explore. Cannery Row, again of Steinbeck fame, is a cool little downtown strip with lots of shops and culture. I ate lunch at a sweet little deli called "Austinos," and partook in some Nestle Tollhouse cookies from their store. Also, they have a stand alone DIPPIN DOTS store! All this is right next to the peaceful waves calmly knocking up against the docks.

There is a peaceful feeling here. Monterey is almost an oasis between the hustle and bustle life of San Francisco and Los Angeles. The people walking along the strip seem full of joy and peace. Perhaps this may be a glimpse of what heaven will look like.

I also visited the rockin aquarium they have in town. Who knew there was so much happening under the sea (Apparently Sabastian was right!). There were more species of sharks than I knew what to do with. There were tons of sea otters, which look like they were just chillin the entire day. The penguins looked like a bunch of awkward middle schoolers as they waddled around their cages. There was tons and tons of sealife that was everywhere in the aquarium and all I could do was marvel at God's hand in Creation. There is a whole other world beneath the sea that God created and is Lord over. As I watched the school of fish bob and weave as one entity... I continued to be amazed at God's creative work.

God is certainly good. He created Monterey with all its peaceful attractions... and he created all the sea life for His glory.

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