Thursday, October 2, 2008

Are you ready for this?

I have never blogged before in my life. Actually, when I first that people were starting this new thing called "blogging," I thought it was synonomous with an upset stomach and something in the toilet that looked like old chinese food (see what you do with that image!). So when it was suggested that I start a blog a few weeks ago (when it was created for me), I wasn't initially on board full swing (As evidence by my lack of posts in the last few weeks). However, its time to to get going... and those who know me well know that reading my blog will be like a Seinfeld quote- "I never know what to expect, and I'm real scared (Jerry to George)." 

In fact, as you read this blog it might not always make sense, you might get visions of George Costanza dancing in your head, you will probably find lots of quotes from current TV Shows and Movies, I may forget to clarify an inside joke, or something else that I am not thinking about at this moment. But I hope that at some point, as I dump out the many thing that go through my mind, you find some hope and encouragement for life an that you see a passion for the God that I love and the kingdom that I live in. Because, as many know- I do love my life!

2:00 AM at the Diner is a reference to a childhood passion of mine. I grew up in New Jersey, and when you grow up there you cannot help but get captured by the diner culture. I chose 2:00 AM because that is time when the best conversations happen and breakfast never tasted so good. Join me at 2:00 AM--and may you be part of the adventure!


workinprogress said...

ok i have a few questions. did you just write this whole thing in the middle of your seminary class? how often are you going to post on here? should i check bi-annually? lastly, i heard you were going to write about all your ex-girlfriends. is that true?

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for this...

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for this...

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for this...